In October we launched our invasive species campaign with a live cooking event, demonstrating how people can make tasty and delicious meals from a lionfish – one of the worst kinds of invasive species threatening our marine habitats today.
The lionfish is threatening environments and decimating biodiversity as it is not recognized as a predator by other fish and its population is rapidly expanding.
Lionfish is an ingredient already used in restaurants worldwide. Once cooked, it creates a tasty white and firm flesh. Extra care must be taken while preparing a lionfish as their venomous spikes can still sting even after they are dead.
MCTC advises to use needle proof gloves, cut all the spines off and always start from the dorsal spines. Once all the spines are removed, the fish is safe to handle.
MCTC chefs Tonia Drousiotou, Costas Georgakoudes and Stavros Mouzourou, with Torm’s Senior Catering Manager, Mr Jogvan Trondesen, have demonstrated their cooking skills and expertise handling and cooking delicious lionfish recipes.
Click here to view video from the Lionfish live cooking event