An important factor in keeping crew motivated while they are away at sea is to ensure they are provided with healthy and nutritious meals daily.
The importance of a good standard of food is mentioned in the IMO 2006 Maritime Labour Convention which dictates that onboard catering departments should be proficient in providing crew with a wholesome balanced meal. However, at MCTC, we believe that catering crews should have a much deeper level of knowledge to ensure they understand the importance of good nutrition and how to cater for different nationalities and health needs.
Our goal is to be there next to your catering crews, providing them with our full attention and expertise in ensuring their skills in health and nutrition are improved considerably.
Motivated crew
Good observation during annual audits from the oil majors
Variety of menus
Reduction in inventory discrepancies and daily food budgets
Improvement in nutrition knowledge of catering personnel
Staff more effective in handling cultural diversity issues
Navigate through our website and discover how our attractive packages and services can assist you in improving all aspects of catering on your vessels.