Fitness Challenge Instructions


30 seconds each exercise and 10 seconds’ rest

4 Rounds

Jumping Jacks

Knee Trucks

Sitting Leg Scissors

Lateral Squats / Jump Squats

Waling Plank / Hover

Squat with Heel Lift


Shoulder Taps


Final Challenge!

100 High Knees

90 Mountain Climbers (45 and 45)

80 Opposite Ankle Taps (40 and 40)

70 Lunges (35 and 35)

60 Standing Bicycles

50 Stairs

40 Spiders (20 and 20)

30 Dips

20 Push Ups

10 Burpees 

For further assistance, please view the video prepared by MCTC Team and each exercise of the challenge is described in detail. 

MCTC’s Final Challenge Score: 11:42

Good Luck!

Watch our team be put through their paces by our fitness instructor. Together we are fitter, stronger, and healthier regardless of age, weight, gender and physical strength. training hard to be the best version of ourselves.

We hope you’ll join our Fitness Day Challenge, to learn more please watch the clip.